Bissell Bark Bath Review for Great Danes

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I recently splurged on a Bissell Bark Bath for my Great Danes and literally RAN to the blog to tell you about it. If you are considering options for bathing your Great Dane, this Bark Bath review is a must-read. When a Great Dane is muddy and dirty, you know it! Giant muddy paws and […]

Embark DNA Review: Worthwhile or Waste of Time? 6 Things I Learned!

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Coming in hot with my non-biased Embark DNA Review! A few months ago I decided to do an Embark DNA Test for my Great Danes, even though I assumed they are purebred dogs. Although I figured my dog’s results in the breed identification portion of the breed health kit would be Great Dane, I still […]

Big Barker Dog Bed Review- A Comprehensive and Non-Biased Review

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I hope you are geared up for an ultimate Big Barker dog bed review. If you are looking for a new dog bed then you came to the right place for a completely non-biased, comprehensive and detailed Big Barker orthopedic dog bed review. Do you have a big dog? You may have heard of an […]

Incredible Uses of Laser Therapy For Your Dog’s Pain

Laser Therapy for Dog's Pain

Can you use laser therapy for your dog’s pain? The answer to that question is a resounding “yes!” Laser therapy is a pain-free, noninvasive treatment. Lasers are used to treat a variety of painful conditions in dogs. Some of the most common conditions that laser therapy can help with include hip dysplasia, arthritis, injuries/ACL tears/knee […]