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Laser Therapy for Dog's Pain

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Can you use laser therapy for your dog’s pain? The answer to that question is a resounding “yes!” Laser therapy is a pain-free, noninvasive treatment. Lasers are used to treat a variety of painful conditions in dogs.

Some of the most common conditions that laser therapy can help with include hip dysplasia, arthritis, injuries/ACL tears/knee pain, elbow osteoarthritis, ear infections, and wounds/hot spots/burns. Is your dog in pain? Be sure to continue reading if you’re interested in learning how to use laser therapy for your dog’s pain.

Laser Therapy for Dog Pain

Many veterinarians are now using laser therapy to help their patients find relief from pain, and the results are often astounding. Has your dog encouraged you to consider using laser therapy for your dog’s pain? If you’re looking for an alternative treatment option for your dog’s pain, be sure to ask your veterinarian about laser therapy.

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To begin, if you’re considering laser therapy for your dog, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Before you begin using laser therapy for your dog’s pain, make sure to get educated and informed.

  • First, you need to find a laser therapy system that is safe to use at home.
  • Second, laser therapy is not a miracle cure-all and will not work for every dog.
  • Third, laser therapy requires multiple sessions, not just one.
  • Fourth, laser therapy for your dog’s pain will take patience and time.
  • Lastly, laser therapy is relatively new, so there may not be as much research available available depending on the laser you choose.
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It’s important to consult with your veterinarian before starting any laser therapy. Your vet will help you determine if laser therapy system you are using is the right option of laser therapy for for your dog’s pain.

Additionally, we will discuss a safe and reliable laser therapy device and the results that have come from it. When choosing a laser, it is of utmost importance that it not only is a system of laser therapy for your dog’s pain, but one that is safe as well.

So, does laser therapy help dogs pain? Absolutely! If you’re looking for an alternative way to help your dog find relief from pain, keep reading! Technology and science has shown that it is a good choice to use laser therapy for your dog’s pain!

Watch the Technology Behind B Cure ILLT Laser Vet Here to see how to incorporate laser therapy for your dog’s pain

Cold Laser Therapy for Your Dog’s Pain

Cold Laser Therapy is also called Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). To begin, Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), is a treatment that uses low-intensity lasers to improve the health of cells in the body. ILLT is helpful in treating a variety of conditions in humans and animals alike. ILLT Laser Therapy can help significantly with your dog’s pain. You should consider LLLT Laser Therapy for your dog’s pain.

Laser therapy works by using light energy to stimulate cells and promote healing. The light energy penetrates the tissue and the cells absorbs it. Next, this absorption process triggers a series of events. This leads to the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

ATP is the energy that cells need to function properly. Also, it helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing. In addition, laser therapy also helps to increase circulation and reduce your dog’s pain.

Research shows that the B-Cure Laser Vet eases back pain in dogs. ILLT gives cells more energy and helps them do their job. Additionally, ILLT regenerates damaged cells and heals injuries.

What is B-Cure Laser Vet Therapy and Can it Help Your Dog’s Pain?

B-Cure Laser Vet therapy is a popular alternative treatment for many different conditions, such as pain and inflammation. B-Cure Laser Vet uses laser light in the range of 1 – 1000 microwatts (MW).

This low level illumination has several benefits on living tissue because it does not cause damage while targeting specific areas with photochemical effects instead thermal ones like heat application would do. In other words, your dog can get relief without experiencing any side affects!

Additionally, the B-Cure Laser Vet is safe to use at home. The B-Cure Laser Vet treats muscle spasms and pain without the need for protective goggles. Furthermore, you are not taking any risks at burning your dog’s skin.

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The Benefits of Laser Vet Therapy for Your Dog

  1. Increased Collagen– One of the benefits of laser therapy is that it helps to increase collagen production. Collagen is a protein found in the skin and connective tissues. It helps to give skin its elasticity and strength. LLLT increases collagen by stimulating fibroblasts, which are the cells that produce collagen.
  2. Reduced Inflammation– One of the most common benefits of laser therapy is that it helps to reduce inflammation. This can be helpful in treating a variety of conditions such as arthritis, injuries, and hot spots.
  1. Increased Circulation– Another benefit of laser therapy is that it helps to increase circulation. This increased circulation can help to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.
  2. Better Blood flow– One of the benefits of laser therapy is that it helps to improve blood flow. This improved blood flow can help to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.
  3. Reduced Pain– One of the most common reasons why people choose laser therapy is because it can help to reduce pain. Laser therapy can be helpful in treating a variety of conditions such as arthritis, injuries, and hot spots.
  4. Improved Healing– One of the benefits of laser therapy is that it can help to improve healing time. This is because laser therapy helps to increase circulation and reduce inflammation.
Watch Veterinarian Dr. Kane explain the impact of the B-Cure Laser Therapy Vet on pain and inflammation.

How to Use a Laser Therapy Device at Home

In order to determine the best way to use your Laser device, you need to identify the cause of your dog’s pain.

If your dog is experiencing pain from arthritis, you will want to focus the laser on the affected joints. Injury and surgery recovery will merit a different area of focus. Let’s dive into some of the common uses for laser therapy.

Always consult with a veterinarian if to see if laser therapy can help for your dog’s pain.

Your Dog’s Pain: Arthritis

Arthritis affects over 20% of all dogs in the United States. It is a degenerative joint disease that causes inflammation, pain, and stiffness. The most common form of arthritis in dogs is osteoarthritis.

There are a few things that you can do to help your dog find relief from arthritis pain:

  • Weight Management: One of the best things that you can do for your dog is to help them maintain a healthy weight. This will take pressure off of their joints and help to reduce pain.
  • Joint Supplements: Another thing that you can do is to give your dog joint supplements. These supplements can help to reduce inflammation and pain.
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Dasuqin is a veterinarian approved joint supplement for large dogs.

  • Exercise: Exercise is important for all dogs, but it is especially important for dogs with arthritis. Exercise helps to increase circulation and reduce pain.
  • Laser Therapy: Laser therapy can also be helpful in treating arthritis pain. The best way to use laser therapy for arthritis is to focus the laser on the affected joints.
How to Use the B-Cure Laser Vet to Treat Your Dog’s Arthritis Pain

Symptoms of Arthritis

  • Slow to move/jump/run or hesitation to climb stairs
  • Difficulty keeping up with daily activity
  • Reluctant to play like they used to
  • Lameness in hind end
  • Looseness of joint
  • Bunny Hopping when running, instead of running normally
  • Loss of muscle mass/muscle degrading
  • Noticeable change in behavior/temperament
  • Agitation towards kids/other dogs/adults that used to be fine
  • Pain/irritation
  • Stiffness and soreness
  • Whining or whimpering
  • Reluctant to climb into or jump out of car

“B-Cure Laser Vet is an effective mode of treatment that helps treat inflammation, reduces pain and swelling.”

Treatment of Arthritis Pain Using Laser Therapy

If your dog has pain in its hips or back due to arthritis or hip dysplasia, begin by using 1.5-2 minutes of the Cold Laser Therapy on each spots that depict pain (hips, joints). You will gradually increase the treatment to up to 4 minutes.

It is best to repeat the laser treatment at least twice daily.

Laser Therapy for Dog's Pain

Treating ACL Tear / CCL Tear

If your dog has suffered an ACL tear or CCL tear, you know that the road to recovery can be long and painful. Laser therapy can help to speed up the healing process and reduce pain.

ACL Tears are one of the most common injuries in dogs. They occur when the ligament that stabilizes the knee is torn. This can happen due to trauma, exercise, or degenerative disease.

Symptoms of Knee Pain or ACL / CCL Tear

Location and severity of knee pain varies in accordance with the cause of the problem. Signs and symptoms that may accompany knee pain:

  • After an injury, you may notice your dog is weaker
  • Your dog loses stability or looks ‘wobbly’
  • Swelling in knee or leg
  • You hear a popping or cracking in the knee
  • Lack of ability to straighten their knee
  • Pain / lethargy with movement
  • Hesitancy to move up and down stairs or into car

CCL Tears are similar to ACL Tears, but they occur in the elbow instead of the knee.

The best way to use laser therapy for an ACL or CCL tear is to focus the laser on the affected area for 15-20 minutes per day.

Watch a quick video about using Laser Therapy for Knee Pain in your Dog. Use Code HELLODANES10 for 10% off your own B Cure Laser Vet.

Chronic Ear Infections Causing Your Dog Pain

Ear infections are one of the most common problems that dogs experience. Ear pain is caused by a variety of things. Some causes include allergies, bacteria, yeast, and foreign bodies. Ear infections can be very painful for your dog.

Have you noticed your dog shaking their head or scratching their ears? These are both signs that your dog may have an ear infection. Other signs include red, inflamed ears, a foul odor coming from the ears, and discharge.

Otitis externa is an infection of the outer ear and canal.

Dogs are commonly prone to it, since they have a flap that blocks air flow while their ears get warm due to insulating wax buildup which makes removal difficult without proper equipment from your vet such as an otoscope for inspection purposes.

The external surface area in animal’s versus human’s has made them more susceptible when compared with humans. However keeping your dog’s ears clean at home will help to prevent painful infections.

The ear is a very sensitive and delicate organ. Infections are caused by both bacterial or fungal origin. Additionally, small organisms such like mites that carry infection in their fur can creep into their ears.

A more serious case with pus inside your dog’s ears may indicate a more serious bacteria, which thrives when environmental conditions support its growth.

Most pet owners will sooner or later deal with ear infections in their pet’s ears.

Laser therapy is a great way to help your dog with pain. If you think your dog might be in pain, please consult with your veterinarian about using laser therapy.

There are many different types of laser systems and each one can be beneficial for certain issues. We hope this article has helped you learn more about how laser therapy can help your furry friend live a better life without pain.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

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