How to Know if Great Dane Skin Bumps are a Problem


Great Dane skin bumps can be a common health problem that pup owners don’t need to worry about and they can also be a warning sign for something more serious with your Gentle Giants. With countless skin conditions, pet parents with a Great Dane may not be sure if their bumps are worth a veterinary […]

Are Great Danes Allergic to Chicken?

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There is a lot of misinformation out there about Great Danes and chicken. Some people seem to think that Great Danes are susceptible to chicken intolerances. So what is the truth? Are Great Danes allergic to chicken? Let’s put this to rest, once and for all. We’re covering the Great Dane dog food allergy debate […]

Great Dane Dry Skin: 4 Causes and 4 Treatments

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Great Dane Dry Skin- a topic that many people struggle with. The winter months can be harsh on our skin, and the same is true for our Great Danes and other dogs. In this blog post, we will discuss how to keep your Great Dane healthy, reduce itchy skin, and help treat skin problems such […]

Do Great Danes Shed?

Do Great Danes Shed?

Do Great Danes shed? If you have a Great Dane, you may already know the answer! Great Danes are BIG dogs and with big dogs usually comes BIG amounts of hair! If you thought you were getting a short-haired, no-mess dog, think again! Let’s dive in to the way that Great Danes shed, and how […]