Great Dane toenail problems are a common issue for this breed of dog. Luckily, there are ways to keep your dog’s nails healthy and avoid any potential issues. In this blog post, we will discuss the best ways to care for your Great Dane’s nails and how to prevent any problems from arising.

As the owner of a Great Dane, you may be wondering why it is so important to keep your dog’s nails healthy. After all, they are just nails, right? Wrong!
Your dog’s nails play an important role in their overall health and well-being. Here are a few reasons why keeping your Great Dane’s nails healthy is so important:
- It helps prevent pain and discomfort: If your dog’s nails are too long, they can begin to curl under and grow into the pads of their feet. This can cause your dog a great deal of pain and discomfort.
- It prevents infection: Long or overgrown nails can also lead to infection. This is because the nail beds become irritated and inflamed, which provides the perfect environment for bacteria to grow.
- It helps them move more comfortably: Overgrown nails can make it difficult for your dog to walk and run comfortably. This is because they put pressure on the toe joints, which can lead to pain and discomfort.
- It improves their appearance: Let’s face it, overgrown nails are not a good look! Not only do they affect your dog’s appearance, but they can also be quite painful.

So, as you can see, there are many reasons why keeping your Great Dane’s nails healthy is so important. But how do you go about doing that? Read on to find out!
Broken nails, brittle nails and other nail issues are far too common with dogs.

But there are ways to prevent these problems from occurring. Here are a few tips:
- Keep them trimmed: One of the best ways to keep your Dane’s nails healthy is to keep them trimmed on a regular basis. You can do this yourself at home with a nail clipper or you can take them to a groomer. If you’re not comfortable trimming your dog’s nails, then we recommend taking them to a groomer. They will be able to quickly and safely trim your dog’s nails without causing any pain or discomfort.
- Use the right products: It is important that you use the right products when trimming your Great Dane’s nails. We recommend using a nail grinder instead of a nail clipper. This is because it is much easier to control and prevents you from accidentally cutting too close to the quick (the blood vessel in the nail).
- Be careful: When trimming your Great Dane’s nails, it is important to be careful. You don’t want to cut too close to the quick as this can cause a great deal of pain. If you are unsure of how to properly trim your Great Dane’s nails, we recommend seeking out professional help. following these simple tips, you can help keep your Great Dane’s nails healthy and avoid any potential problems.
- Start Young: It is important to start taking care of your Great Danes nails at a young age. This will get them used to the process and make it easier for you in the long run.
- Be Consistent: Once you start taking care of your Great Dane’s nails, it is important to be consistent. This means trimming them on a regular basis (every two to three weeks is ideal).
- Don’t be Lazy: Nail trimming requires that owners take care of their fur babies nails REGULARLY, and that means every single week if not twice a week. Don’t be lazy! 🙂 It just never works out.
- Use a Veterinarian: If you or your pet are fearful when it comes to their feet, call your Veterinarian! They can help you!

If you fail to trim your Great Danes nails, they will get broken nails and it can become extremely painful.
Nail health doesn’t need to be super complex.
In order to trim your dog’s toenails, you need to decide on a product that works for you and your pet.
There are two main types of nail grooming supplies: the Dremmel and clippers.
Using a Dremel is something that many pet owners prefer as they can control the length of the nail bed more easily with this tool.

Since the Dremmel is automatic, it can be loud, but that does not mean it is painful.
Some find that it is less likely to cause human error than clippers.
When using a Dremmel, take the paw of your dog and begin to file one nail at a time. If your dog is afraid of the Dremmel, you will want to start slow. File only one nail on the first day, and proceed with another nail the next day.
If your dog is extremely scared of the tool, you can begin by handling its paw and getting it used to the feeling of you touching its paw or leg nearby its toe.
Over time, with practice you can get your dog to feel less nervous about the tool and you will be able to file back nails much quicker.
Clippers are another tool used to cut the nails of your dog.
Clippers are less expensive than a Dremmel and can be found at most stores.
They are also much quieter which may help your dog feel more comfortable.
To use clippers, you will want to find a type that is comfortable for you to hold.
You will also want to make sure the blades are sharp so that you can get a clean cut on the nail.
Start by gently holding your dog’s paw in your hand and proceed to clip one nail at a time being very careful not to cut too close to the quick (blood vessel).
If you do accidentally cut the quick, it will bleed and be painful for your dog, but the bleeding does not mean that the nail is broken.
Applying pressure with a styptic pencil or cornstarch can help stop the bleeding paw at the first sign and help the foot to feel better in no time.
You can use Kwik Stop as a safe and nontoxic method to solve the bleeding.

Typically, broken toenail issues come when a dog has been running and hits its toe or nails on something.
This can cause the nail to crack, splinter, or even fall off.

If this happens, you will want to clean up the broken nail as fast as you can because your dog can get a bacterial nail bed infection. Cleaning the paw, foot and nail can help prevent the broken nail from getting an infection or continued bleeding.
You will also want to keep an eye on the broken nail as it may need to be removed if it does not heal properly.
If you have a dog who consistently has a breakage issue on their nail, their nails are most likely just too long. However, it can also happen from a loose nail grabbing on to something when your dog is running.

One of the primary reasons for keeping their nails short is to prevent this from happening.
If you find that your dog’s nails are too long and causing them issues, you will want to take them to the vet or a professional groomer to have them trimmed down.
This is a quick and easy fix that can save your dog from a lot of discomfort in the future.
There are many reasons why your dog may have broken or bleeding nails, but the most common reason is because their nails are too long.

If you find that your dog’s nails are causing them discomfort, you should take them to the vet or a professional groomer to have them trimmed down.
This is a quick and easy fix that can save your dog from a lot of discomfort in the future.
Another reason that a dog can break a nail is if they catch their nail on something while running and get pulled the wrong way, even if their nail is not too long.
If this happens, you will want to clean up the broken nail as fast as you can because your dog can get a bacterial nail bed infection.
Cleaning the paw, foot and nail can help prevent the broken nail from getting an infection or continued bleeding.
Some dogs are very prone to skin issues. (How to Solve Skin Issues in Dogs)
If your pet has dry, itchy skin there are some things you can try before going to a Veterinarian.
- Work on decreasing grains and increasing fatty acids and vitamins into their diet. (Fish Oil)
- Rinse your dog off with warm water every time you are outside. Environmental allergies play a huge role in skin disease and can be so easily eliminated with a quick rinse.
- If your pup’s skin around their nails are causing them discomfort, you should take them to the vet or a professional groomer to have them trimmed down. This is a quick and easy fix that can save your dog from a lot of discomfort in the future. You will also want to keep an eye on the broken nail as it may need to infection.
- Use a soothing home remedy like aloe vera or coconut oil, which has fungal fighting properties, to help ease the discomfort of yeast or chronic allergies.
- Using CBD can be a tremendous relief for dogs suffering with a constant itch. (Read more about CBD here)
If you have tried to solve skin issues with your pet and are still having trouble, you can visit a Veterinary Dermatologist whom are experts in all things skin disease and can help your pup live an itch free life.
Some dogs have nail disorders that can cause pain or infection.
The most common form of nail disorder in dogs is called paronychia, which is an infection of the nail.
Paronychia can be caused by bacteria, yeast, or even a foreign object such as a splinter.

If you think your dog may have paronychia, you should take them to the vet so they can prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.
Treatment of Paronychia infection consists of antibiotics and/or antifungals depending on the causative agent. Antifungals will be required if the infection consists of a fungal infection.
In severe cases, your dog may need to have their nail removed.
Nail bed tumors are growths that can form on the nail bed and are usually benign (non-cancerous).
However, they can be painful and cause infection.
Treatment of nail bed tumors usually involves surgery to remove the growth.

After the surgery, your dog will need to take antibiotics to prevent infection and pain medication to keep them comfortable.
Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to keeping your pooch’s nails healthy.
You can prevent most problems by keeping their nails trimmed and avoiding any potential injuries.
If you do notice any problems with your Great Dane’s nails, be sure to take them to the vet so they can be treated as soon as the infection of the nail is noticed. Early detection and diagnostic testing is key to helping your dog quickly overcome a nail bed tumor, and when left untreated , these tumors can metastasize and become malignant.
Other nail disorders in dogs include:
- Nail bed infections
- Nail bed bruising
- Nail bed ulcers
- Tumors of the nail bed
- Yeast infection in the dogs nail
Having a nail disorder is very uncommon. Most of the time, treating your dog with a good, weekly nail trim is the solution and a great treatment plan for most of their paw problems.
Diet is correlated to a dog’s paws or feet?
You might be surprised to find out that your pet health in entirety is highly correlated to their diet, including their feet.

A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients helps to keep all systems of the body functioning properly, including the nails.
Poor nutrition can lead to a number of problems, including brittle nails that are more susceptible to breaking.
If you are concerned about your dog’s diet and how it may be affecting their nails, talk to your family veterinarian or hire a canine nutritionist to help you create a high quality diet for your dog.
If you have a dog who has skin, paws, hair, or nail issues, there are a few easy supplements that you can add into their diet that will help them.
- Fish oil will not only help your Great Dane have softer fur and skin, but help their paws stay moisturized. Fish oil can be a great support for hair loss as well.
- Coconut oil is another great option for a topical treatment you can apply directly to their paws or coat. Not only does it smell amazing, but it has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help prevent infections.
- You can also give your dog biotin supplements, which are often recommended for humans who want to grow long and healthy nails. Biotin is a water soluble vitamin that helps the body metabolize fats and proteins, and it’s essential for nail growth. You can find biotin supplements at your local pet store or online.
- Probiotics are a great way to help support your Great Dane with their gut health, which is connected to their overall health. Good gut health is a way to support allergies including dry skin or paws and itchy skin.
If your Great Dane has nails that are black in color, you might be wondering how you’re supposed to keep them looking nice and groomed.

The good news is that black nails are actually very easy to take care of. All you need is a little bit of time and the right tools, and you’ll have your Great Dane’s nails looking great in no time.
Here are a few tips for taking care of black nails:
- Start by desensitizing your pet to the tool that you’d like to use (clippers, file, dremel, etc). Desensitization is key with any grooming tool, but it’s especially important with black nails because owners can be more timid to trim them, which dogs can pick up on.
- Clip your Great dane’s nails in short increments, being very careful not to cut too deep. If you do accidentally cut the quick, stop clipping and use styptic powder, Kwik Stop, or cornstarch to stop the bleeding.
- Do not try to trim multiple nails in one session if your Great Dane or pet is nervous. Just start with one!
- To find the quick of a nail that is black, hold the nail up to a light source. The quick will appear as a dark line running through the center of the nail.
- Use a high-quality nail clipper designed specifically for dogs, and make sure that it is sharp. This will help you get a clean cut and avoid splitting or cracks in the nails. If your Great Dane’s nails
- Use a file to smooth out any rough edges on the nails.
It takes practice for both owner and dog, but if you start trimming your Great Dane’s nails as a puppy it is much easier and become like second nature over time.
So, there you have it! A few things to keep in mind when it comes to keeping nails healthy. By keeping an eye on their nails and being proactive about trimming them down, you can help prevent any problems in the future. Thanks for reading!

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