Tag: big dogs

  • 5 Big Dog Myths You Need to Know About

    5 Big Dog Myths You Need to Know About

    The large and giant breed dog communities are a literal stew of opinions, advice and ideas.

    Heavy-handed dog training, resting after meals, and ‘Euro’ dogs are just some of the common big dog myths that I want to cover today!

    Come sort through the stew with us!

    cute pictures great danes

    You Must Rest Your Big Dog Before & After Meals

    You’ve definitely heard this one.

    “You MUST rest your dog before and after meals so they don’t bloat!”

    You and your dog may be looking at a schedule like this:

    AM Walk
    PM Walk

    That’s a lot of um…shall we say, sitting?

    Bloat is a painful, dangerous, and DEADLY condition that plagues large and giant breed dogs. Great Danes tend to be the most susceptible! Bloat is scary, and ‘preventatives’ make us feel better about it.

    Let’s bust this myth. Studies have found absolutely NO correlation between BLOAT and EXERCISE!

    Not only that, but most dogs who bloat do so while resting and on an empty stomach.

    Bloat incidence has increased by 1500% in the last 30+ years, despite this common ‘advice’ to rest dogs before and after meals.

    It’s time to let go of this old, unsubstantiated old wives’ tale. Rest your dog if it makes you feel better, but don’t encourage your dog to spend its entire life sitting around. If your dog is going to bloat, it won’t matter if they are moving or being a couch potato.

    Don’t freak out. There are other science-backed ways to reduce bloat risk.

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    Big Dogs Have a Short Lifespan

    You’re walking down the street with your Great Dane by your side when you are stopped by somebody gushing over how beautiful your dog is.

    (Because it’s true, your dog is gorgeous).

    Then she says “I just could never own one. They don’t live long”.

    STOP. IT.

    We are so over this myth. Sure, large and giant breed dogs are plagued by a number of health problems that shorten their life span…but it doesn’t mean that all large and giant breed dogs will be dead by age 7.

    A solid majority of these dogs come from breeders who are NOT actively seeking to better the breed.

    Minimal health testing, questionable pedigrees, and profit-driven practices are literally ruining these dogs and their genetics for generations to come.

    If you want a robust, long-lived large or giant breed dog, choose an ethical, reputable breeder who is beyond diligent with the pedigree and actively seeks to eliminate common ‘early death’ problems.

    This includes heart failure, bloat, fearful temperaments, poor structure, cancer, and arthritis which all have a genetic link.

    man holding a husky dog while standing outside in winter

    Everything ‘EURO’ Dogs

    “He’s not overweight, he’s EURO”

    Buckle up, this is a fun one!

    Any dog being labeled as ‘EURO’ is a dog that is being labeled with an unregulated marketing term.

    EURO does not necessarily mean ‘EUROPEAN’.

    It’s important to note that actual well-bred European dogs are not, in fact, meant to be larger, stockier, or droopier than American dogs!

    Each Country will have a written standard for its breed. When you compare the legitimate, real written standard for the breed from each individual Country, you will notice that the standards are nearly identical!

    The ‘EURO’ term plagues Great Danes, Mastiff’s, Rottweilers, and Dobermans in particular.

    EURO nearly always just means one thing: out of standard.

    Droopy eyes, blocky heads, and stocky, oversized bodies are considered significant faults in the breed standard for Great Danes in both countries.

    The appeal of a larger, beefier dog with an exotic title (‘Euro’) is popular and persistent, however.

    It’s fine to wish for a slightly larger dog, but NEVER at the expense of the health, comfort, and robust and proven genetics of the breed.

    Want to know more about the TRUTH behind ‘Euro’ dogs? Read HERE.


    Giant Dogs need Heavy-Handed Training

    Reality television has taught us that we need to ‘pSSHHhhTTT’, intimidate, pin down, and harshly correct dogs, especially when they are large or giant breeds like Great Dane or St. Bernard.

    People believe that big dogs need bigger shock collars, bigger corrections, and more forceful training methods overall.

    Big dogs CAN and WILL destroy your house and take you for a walk if you don’t train them. Small dogs can try, but they don’t have the mass to make it happen. That’s the only difference.

    It’s NOT that big dogs are more stubborn or defiant! They are just…bigger.

    Being bigger doesn’t justify the use of fear, pain, and harsh punitive training.

    Training must start on day one. With large and giant breed dogs you definitely have to teach ‘off’, ‘heel’, ‘down’, and ‘come’. These things are easy to teach with positive reinforcement!

    We recommend that owners consider taking a class with an AKC ‘Canine Good Citizen’ instructor to learn how to teach, guide (and yes, correct when appropriate) their large and giant breed dogs.

    (Don’t be THIS dog owner!)

    The reality here is that forceful, harsh training methods (including the incorrect use of E-Collars) can lead to fear, anxiety, and aggression.

    Danes and other giant breed dogs are not dumb. They learn the same way that all other dogs do. Applying more ‘force’ just serves our egos, not the dog or the relationships we have with it.

    This is one big dog myth we can put to rest, once and for all.

    Big Dog Myths

    Adult Food Only, Never Puppy Food!

    This common belief is rampant in the large and giant breed dog community.

    For years, many giant breed dogs have been fed adult formula dry dog food from their first solid meal.

    10+ years ago, this was acceptable and recommended because adult formulas were literally the only acceptable option for maintaining slow growth.

    Thankfully, we have science, research, food trials, and updated large-breed puppy foods!

    ‘Adult food only’ is dated and dangerous advice for large and giant breed dogs. They should now be fed an appropriate, science-backed LARGE or GIANT breed PUPPY formula.

    Make sure you choose a science-backed food brand. Boutique foods have not participated in the same level of diligent research and may not be correctly formulated for the growth of your large breed dog! For more information about choosing puppy food for your big dog, read here.

    Knuckling, flat feet, low energy, HOD, or Panosteitis are just some of what you may experience if you choose the wrong food. Many large and giant breed dogs that are fed ‘adult food only’ will also struggle to develop lean, strong muscle and maintain an appropriate weight. Adult foods simply don’t have enough nutrition to support their growth.

    We recommend:

    Check out THE GIANT DOG FOOD PROJECT to compare brands and values.

    What other big dog myths can we bust for you?

    Leave a comment below! We’d love to hear from you, or you can also join our helpful, friendly and open-minded community on Facebook.

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    Do you like modern positive+balanced off-leash dog training, science-based information, life with Danes, educated ownership and chatting with other like-minded people?

    Join our growing Facebook group!

  • Great Danes: 1 of Many Big Friendly Dog Breeds

    Great Danes: 1 of Many Big Friendly Dog Breeds

    When most people think of big, friendly dog breeds, the Great Dane is one of the first that comes to mind. These gentle giants are known for their docile temperament and friendly nature. They are perfect for families who want a large dog but don’t have the space for a Rottweiler or German Shepherd.

    In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about the Great Dane breed as well as other large breeds, from their size and personality to training and exercise needs.

    The Many Many Big Friendly Dog Breeds

    Everyone who has big dogs knows that most big dog breeds are sweet dogs that make great family dogs.

    Large breed dogs think they are a small dog. They are typically incredibly sweet and love to share their living space with their family members, even if it is small, like an apartment.

    There are so many large breeds, there are many that make great family pets.

    Let’s talk about a few large dogs that are excellent family dogs.

    Labrador Retriever:

    Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dogs in America and for good reason. They are gentle, loving, and great with kids. Labs are also very active and need a lot of exercise. If you have an active lifestyle, a Lab would be a perfect fit for your family. A Labrador Retriever requires both mental and physical exercise as they are smart dogs.

    Golden Retriever:

    Like Labs, Golden Retrievers are gentle, loving, and great with kids. They are also very active and need a lot of exercise. If you have an active lifestyle, a Golden Retriever would be a perfect fit for your family. If you’ve ever been around a Golden Retriever, you know they are fun dog who are often claimed to be the friendliest dogs too! So, if you’re looking for a good natured dog, you might want to keep Golden Retrievers in mind.

    German Shepherd:

    German Shepherds are big dogs that are loyal, protective, and intelligent. They make great guard dogs and are excellent at obedience training. German Shepherds need a lot of exercise and need to be trained from a young age. If your family brings home a German Shepherd, they will likely gain a devoted family member.

    Irish Wolfhound:

    The Irish Wolfhound is the tallest of all dog breeds. They are gentle, calm, and loving. Despite their large size, they are good around kids and other animals. They need a lot of space to run and should be exercised daily. If you have a large yard or live in a rural area, an Irish Wolfhound would make a great addition to your family.

    Great Dane:

    And of course, we cannot forget the Great Dane. These giants are one of the most popular big dogs for families. They are known for being loving and good with kids. Don’t mistake Great Danes for couch potatoes, as they need regular walks and moderate exercise.

    What dogs are known as a gentle giant?

    Large dogs are so gentle that they are most often included immediately as family members.

    Miniature Great Danes: The Pocket Size Version
    Great Dane Puppy Growth Chart

    There are an abundance of different big dog breeds that would make excellent and gentle dogs in your family.

    Great Pyrenees:

    The Great Pyrenees is a large, gentle pup that is perfect for families. They are known to be patient and good with kids. They also have a thick coat of fur that protects them from the cold weather.

    Doberman Pinschers:

    Doberman Pinschers are large, loyal dogs that make great family pets. They are gentle and loving, but also have a strong protective instinct. If you’re looking for a big dog that will protect your family, a Doberman Pinscher is a good option.


    Newfoundlands are large, sweet dogs that enjoy being around people. They make amazing family pets and are known for their calm demeanor. If you’re looking for a big pup to cuddle with, a Newfoundland is the perfect choice.

    English Sheepdog:

    The English Sheepdog is a large, gentle breed that is great with kids. They are known for being calm and easygoing. An English Sheepdog would be a great choice for anybody who has other pets or a small child.

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    Standard Poodle:

    The standard poodle is a large, intelligent dog that makes the perfect family pet. They are gentle and loving but also require quite an active lifestyle to keep them happy! If you’re looking for something with big personality who will accompany on hikes or be there when it’s time play ball then look no further than this great breed of canine companion.

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    Which big pup is best for a home?

    It honestly depends on what you are looking for in a furry family member! If you want a big, friendly dog breed that is great with kids then any of the ones listed above would make an excellent choice. However, if you have other pets or live an active lifestyle, you might want to consider which big dog breeds are best for your family. Whichever big pup you choose, large dogs are wonderful family pets.

    Bernese Mountain Dog

    A Bernese Mountain dog was originally bred as a mountain dog in the Swiss Alps to help farmers with herding and as a watchdog. Bernese Mountain dogs are large, gentle, and has a beautiful tri-colored coat. These dogs are great with kids and make excellent family pets. If you’re looking for a big dog breed that is loyal and protective, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a great choice.

    As one of the big dog breeds of the world they are beautiful dogs as well as playful dogs who are incredibly smart. Bernese Mountain dogs are a popular breed in the canine world.

    Basset Hounds

    The basset hound breed are beautiful dogs. They are gentle and have a great disposition. They make perfect family pets. If you want a big pup that will be your best friend, then the basset hound is the right breed for you.

    German Longhaired Pointer

    The Longhaired Pointer is a large dog who is one of the smartest breeds. They have an affectionate nature and are extremely friendly! These dogs are perfect for families and make loyal, loving companions.

    The Intelligence of a Longhaired Pointer

    If a big dog breed that is gentle, intelligent, and will be a big lap dog, then the German Longhaired Pointer is the right choice for you. Just know that this large dog has a lot of energy and is a powerful dog breed that you will need to provide regular exercise to!

    Great Pyrenees

    The Great Pyrenees is a powerful breed that was originally bred in the Pyrenees Mountains. They are large, gentle dogs that make amazing family pets. They have a thick coat of fur that protects them from the cold weather and they are known to be patient and good with kids. If you’re looking for a big friendly dog breed that is also protective, then the Great Pyrenees might make a great fit for you!

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    Are bigger dogs friendlier?

    Big dog breeds are not necessarily ‘friendlier’ than smaller dogs. Big dog breeds ARE known for being gentle and calm, but that doesn’t mean smaller dogs cannot also be gentle and friendly.

    Family Pets

    Big dog breeds make excellent family pets because they are typically gentle and have a calm demeanor. If you’re looking for a big, friendly dog breed, any of the ones listed above would make an excellent choice.

    Service Dogs or Therapy Dogs

    Large dog breeds are often used as service dogs or therapy dogs because they are very gentle and especially more calm compared to other breeds. Breeds such as the Bernese Mountain Dog, the Basset Hound, and even the German Longhaired Pointer are often used in these capacities. If you’re looking for a big friendly dog to provide service or therapy, any of these breeds would be an excellent choice.

    What is the best big friendly dog breed?

    There is no one ‘best’ big friendly dog breed. It honestly depends on what you are looking for! If you are looking for a powerful breed that is also gentle, the Great Pyrenees might be a good choice. If you want a big dog breed that is intelligent and will be a big lap dog while also having an abundance of energy who wants to play fetch, then the German Longhaired Pointer could be a good pick for you. It really varies based on what traits are most important to you in a family pet!

    Do Your Research

    Whichever large dog you end up with, try to make sure that you research all big breeds to make sure that it is a good fit for your family. The American Kennel Club has resources for you to research each large dog and see if they would be a fit for you and your other dogs.

    What is the calmest large dog breed?

    There is no one ‘calmest’ large dog breed. Some big dog breeds are known for being calm, such as the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Basset Hound. But it really varies based on the individual pet. Each breed has their own personality, so it’s important to do your research before you adopt or purchase any family pet.

    English Mastiff

    The English Mastiff is one of the most popular breed that is considered a giant breed. The Mastiff is a very calm, large pup. These dogs weigh upwards of 160 pounds and are very gentle. If you are looking specifically for a large dog who is especially calm, then the English Mastiff could be a great fit for you.

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    Which breed is known as the gentle giant?

    There are a few dog breeds that could be considered ‘gentle giants’, but the most popular one is probably the Great Dane. We may be biased but these big dogs are the best large breed dogs, in our opinion. The Great Dane is a large dog who loves to please its people and spend time with other dogs and kids.

    What is the best big pup to get?

    If you are looking for a large dog, the most popular dog breed is a Labrador Retriever or a Golden Retriever. These dog breeds are not, however, the calmest or most laid back. If you are looking for something that might be suitable with a more subtle lifestyle, maybe other dogs such as Great Danes, English Mastiffs or a Bernese Mountain Dog might be more suitable. All large dog breeds have their pros and cons, so remember to do your research and look into what will work best for your family as different dog breeds have different positives or negatives, depending on your family style/structure/needs.

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    What is the easiest big pup?

    The truth is, no dogs are ‘easy’. Large dog breeds are a lot of work. Big dogs are usually more work than small dogs, as they require more exercise, more food, and more space. If you are looking for an ‘easy’ breed, we recommend doing your research on small to medium sized dog breeds. However, small dogs will also not be easy, as all dogs require work, energy, time, and love.

    Do Large Dog Breeds Require a Lot of Space?

    This is a common misconception. While large dog breeds do require regular exercise, they do not necessarily require a lot of space. Many large dog breeds are just as happy living in an apartment as they are in a house with a backyard. It really varies based on the individual and what kind of personality they have. Some large dog breeds need more space than other dogs to run and play, while others are content with a few walks around the block.

    Do Large Breeds Need Different Items and Products?

    Many people think that large dog breeds need different items and products, and this is absolutely true!


    Large dog breeds need large crates that are big enough for them to stand up, turn around, and lay down comfortably.

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    The Best Crate for a Great Dane Puppy: Click Here

    Dog beds

    Most large dog breeds need a dog bed that is raised off the ground, as they are more susceptible to joint problems.


    Large dogs need high-quality food that is designed specifically for their nutritional needs.


    Large dog breeds need toys that are big enough for them to chew on and play with. Here are some of our favorite toys for large dog breeds.


    Large dog breeds require different amounts of grooming, depending on whether they have long or short hair, but they do all shed regardless of their hair length.

    Here is one of our favorite brushes for short haired pups:

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    See the 5″ Original Sleek EZ Great Dane Brush on Amazon

    In Conclusion

    The most important thing to remember when getting a big breed is to do your research. There are so many different types of large dogs, each with their own unique personality and set of needs. By doing your research, you can make sure that you are getting one of the the best large dog breeds for YOUR family!