Today I’m giving my unbiased Furbo 360 dog camera review, but first, a personal story.

Ihave a Great Dane with a bit of separation anxiety, and was kind of at my wits end. Everytime I left the house, he was howling. How did I know about this? My NEIGHBORS had to tell me. How embarrassing.

In a state of panic (after hearing that a petsitter had left him alone for 8 hours and he cried the whole time) I purchased the Furbo 360 Dog Camera on Amazon.

Having now used it for 2 months, I feel that I can create an honest Furbo review for you! There are some pros and cons to the Furbo, but overall, YES this is a great product. Let’s dig into the specifics.

Furbo 360 dog camera review

Furbo 360 Dog Camera Review Summary

Here is a short list of the pros and cons of the Furbo 360 camera for separation anxiety.



As you can see, my CONS list for the Furbo 360 Dog Camera is much shorter.

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Does the Furbo 360 Help With Separation Anxiety?

Remember how I told you about my howling Great Dane? I know my neighbors were not appreciative at all…and I hated knowing that he was in distress.

I can say that the Furbo 360 DOES help with separation anxiety for two reasons:

Separation anxiety is a complex behavior that is rooted in insecurity. Even the most confident dogs can whine, cry, pace, and chew when their owner isn’t home.

So while the Furbo dog camera does help with separation anxiety, it’s just one (VERY helpful) piece of the puzzle.

Can I use the Furbo Dog Camera without the App?

Even if you could, I have to tell you that the app is WELL worth it.

Here are some of my favorite features of the Furbo Camera App:

To be honest, I have no clue if you can even try to use the Furbo without the app subscription. From what I’ve seen online, it’s actually cheaper to buy the camera if you commit to the app anyways. That’s a win-win in my book!

Does Furbo Treat Tossing Work?

I love watching my dogs on camera when I use the treat tossing function. It’s HILARIOUS. The dogs hear the whistle and come running. I can trigger the Furbo to throw a treat anytime, anywhere I am in the world that my cell phone has internet, too!

It takes a few seconds from the time the Furbo makes a whistle sound until the treat actually launches from the device. The dogs have learned that’s how it works and they often sit with their head tilted staring at it.

To say I’ve had many, MANY laughs watching my dogs on this camera is an understatement! Sometimes if they want a treat they walk up and stare at it with hope. The camera tracks this movement and sends me a selfie, which is always adorable.

The treat tosser can get jammed if you use the wrong kind of treats! I made this mistake at first and used a softer, larger treat. It did not damage the machine but I had to do some creative work to get them out.

Furbo recommends small, hard treats like THESE from Plato

Furbo Review

Is the Furbo Always Recording?

The Furbo is always ready to pick up on activity, but it is not always recording.

If you are home, you can turn off the tracking. You can even set a schedule (for example, the Furbo will automatically turn on and start tracking when you leave for work).

I’m usually too lazy to go into the app to turn off tracking and motion sensing when we are home, so ours is on all of the time. It regularly lets me know if my dogs are barking, which is funny because I’m often in the same room.

The app only stores videos for 24 hours. After that, they are removed from both the app AND the cloud, which gives me peace of mind when it comes to data security of videos in my home.

Is Furbo Worth It?

There are a million pet camera options out there, and to be honest the only two that I have experience with are the Ring Camera System and the Furbo.

The Ring doesn’t rotate, doesn’t track movement, and doesn’t toss treats.

So in my book, the Furbo wins hands down.

As to the other treat chucking dog cameras on the market? I have no idea. Amazon is overloaded with choices, many of them cheaper. To that, I say this: app development and security (of videos taken in the home and stored on the cloud) are not cheap. Bad apps ruin good products all the time, and I personally would not take my chances on a budget knockoff version of something like this.

We know the Furbo app is secure and it works beautifully. Having now used the Furbo 360 in my home for a few months, I can say with confidence that it is a well made product that just…WORKS.

I’ve never had problems with the connection, the camera, or the treat tossing function (ok, except when I was an idiot and put soft treats in there). The wooden lid is a nice feature that helps the device blend in with home decor.

Where Should You Buy a Furbo Dog Camera

Amazon! It will come to you fast and returns are easy.

Buy a Furbo 360 Dog Camera HERE. Your pooch will thank you for it.

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