Tag: Pet Fooled

  • I Watched Pet Fooled So You Don’t Have To: Part Three

    I Watched Pet Fooled So You Don’t Have To: Part Three

    Welcome to the third installment of my series uncovering the controversial and misleading aspects of the documentary “Pet Fooled.”

    In this chapter, I’m going explore the intricacies of pet food recalls, veterinary diets, and the rise of holistic pet food elitism.

    Join me as I dissect the narrative presented in “Pet Fooled,” aiming to separate fact from fiction and shed light on the complexities of pet nutrition.

    In case you missed it, I’ve linked Part One and Part TWO below!

    Note: This is a multi-part series! Additional articles in this series will be posted below.

    Part One: “Biologically appropriate” feeding, bacteria & pathogens in raw food, and the influence of “big kibble” on veterinary schools (See Part One HERE)

    Part Two: Pet food marketing, ingredients in pet food (including corn and by-products), manufacturing, AAFCO, and FDA regulations (See Part Two HERE)

    Part Three: Pet food recalls, veterinary diets, and holistic pet food elitism (See Part Three HERE)

    Pet Fooled Recalls

    In Pet Fooled, the narrator digs into pet food recalls, in particular notable ones such as Pentobarbital (euthanasia drug) and Melamine, which I will cover in depth below.

    The narrator recounts the poignant narratives of several pet owners deeply entangled in legal proceedings linked to these specific incidents.

    While these issues in pet food are inexcusable, there have been many dangerous problems associated with raw pet food, too, including bacterial contamination, nutrient deficiencies, and high copper levels. 1

    Pet Fooled advocates for raw feeding as a solution to what it perceives as shortcomings and safety problems related to commercial pet food. The documentary suggests that raw diets, which typically consist of uncooked meat, bones, and organs, mimic the natural diet of wild animals and offer superior nutrition for pets.

    Consider Darwin’s raw food2 . This brand is promoted in the film as a safe food “free of pathogens”. Their use of a chemical called “PAA – Peroxyacetic Acid)” 3 is not approved for use in pet food, and the company is well-known for its blatant and public refusal to recall contaminated food.

    I believe the overriding theme here is that pet parents should be concerned about recalls and food manufacturing processes. However, Pet Fooled significantly neglects to address the substantial contributions of raw and boutique pet food brands to this issue.

    Here is a great video that covers the issues with Darwin’s Raw Pet Food in more detail:


    Replying to @Renn an absolutely interesting read! I’ve pointed out in previous videos that many raw food companies want salmonella to be allowed in pet food…to the point of suing the organizations to allow it. Their argument is not all salmonella is pathogenic. But what happens when a prominent raw company tests positive for pathogenic salmonella? Turns out…nothing good. There may one day be studies about PAA in raw pet food that make this discussion a moot point. Unfortunately, until then this raw food company uses an unapproved product on their pet food, ignores calls to recall their food and misleads their consumers about pets falling ill.

    ♬ original sound – Emergency Veterinarian

    The Melamine Pet Food Recall

    The melamine pet food recall of 2007 stands as one of the most significant incidents in the history of pet food safety.

    It originated when an ingredient manufacturer deliberately adulterated their products with melamine, a toxic chemical compound used in plastics and fertilizers. Melamine had been added to wheat gluten and rice protein concentrate to artificially inflate the protein content, making the products appear more nutritious.

    This ingredient was sold by the supplier for use in both human and pet foods. In other words, it was “human grade”.

    Tragically, this adulteration led to widespread contamination of pet food, affecting over 150 brands and resulting in the illness and death of many pets across the United States.

    The contamination was eventually traced back to suppliers in China, sparking a massive recall of pet food products by the FDA. 4

    The melamine pet food recall served as a wake-up call for the pet food industry, highlighting the importance of robust quality control measures, transparency in the supply chain, and regulatory oversight to ensure the safety and integrity of pet food products.

    Adulterants like melamine and pentobarbital should never be present in pet food. Because of this, pet food companies, unfortunately, may not have been previously aware of the need to test for these particular substances. There are thousands of potential contaminants that might affect any kind of food on the market, including fresh and raw.

    Pet Fooled portrays the melamine recall as evidence that commercial kibble pet food is inherently unsafe, while blatantly overlooking the crucial role that the recall ultimately played in enhancing the safety of pet food products.

    The melamine pet food recall happened 18 years ago at this point, and many changes have been made since that time. Many (though not all) pet food companies have overhauled their sourcing and ingredient testing protocols, and that’s a positive move in the right direction.

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    Pentobarbital Euthanasia Drug in Pet Food Recall

    The pentobarbital recall 5 refers to a series of incidents where, before the melamine recall, traces of pentobarbital, a euthanasia drug, were found in certain pet food products.

    This contamination, like the melamine one, had originated from a single supplier whose ingredients contaminated multiple brands of food manufactured by Smuckers and Evangers. Champion Pet Foods (the maker of Orijen/Acana) had also used the tainted ingredient, however, they chose not to recall it.

    Pentobarbital is sometimes used to euthanize animals, and its presence in pet food products raised questions about how it could have entered the supply chain. I covered this topic in depth, in an article titled “Are There Euthanized Animals in Pet Food”.6

    The FDA maintains a zero-tolerance policy for pentobarbital in pet food and contrary to what is implied in Pet Fooled, this is not an ongoing or concerning problem.

    Milo’s Chicken Jerky and Pet Fooled

    Pet Fooled also talks about the social frenzy surrounding Milo’s Chicken Jerky treats, which lasted nearly 6 years.

    The convergence of social media proliferation and heightened concerns about manufacturing processes and ingredient sourcing have created an ideal environment for pet owners to attribute illnesses to pet food and treats.

    We saw this play out again in 2023-2024 with the “Purina Panic”7, a now-debunked social media phenomenon that led to thousands of people blaming Purina and other kibble brands for their pets veterinary problems and deaths.

    A family highlighted in Pet Fooled attributed the death of their pet to Milo’s Chicken Jerky.

    However, their pet’s demise was actually due to a common condition known as “bloat” or “GDV” (gastric dilatation-volvulus), which affects large and giant breed dogs. This condition, often genetic, involves the dog’s stomach flipping, and the consumption of chicken jerky would have been unrelated to its occurrence in their pet.

    The FDA looked into the reports and complaints and found nothing wrong with Milo’s treats until 2013 when trace amounts of antibiotics were found. They were recalled again in 2018 for elevated levels of beef thyroid hormone.

    Neither of these contaminants would be associated with deaths or severe illness, and while both of those are inexcusable from a manufacturing standpoint, stories of widespread harm remain unproven.

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    Social Media & Its Role in Creating Panic

    In the aftermath of the Melamine recall, single instances of pet illness have repeatedly triggered widespread social media frenzies or specific brands and ingredients.

    This happens with human food, too. Just look at how anecdotal reports and unfounded public fears of MSG in food from Asian restaurants fueled both misinformation and racism.

    These social media frenzies often lead to rapid dissemination of information, with pet owners sharing anecdotes and experiences, often without full context or verification.

    Influencers jump in and leverage the panic to promote treatments, supplements, and alternatives.

    While it’s essential for pet owners to stay informed and advocate for their pets’ health, the proliferation of unverified information can also fuel unnecessary panic and misinformation.

    In many cases, a single story of illness can quickly snowball into widespread fear and distrust of specific pet food brands or ingredients.

    However, it’s important to approach such incidents critically and seek out reliable sources and evidence-based information before drawing conclusions or making decisions about pet nutrition.

    Pet Food Manufacturers Sourcing & Quality Control

    For pet owners rightfully concerned about the sourcing practices of pet food companies, the most effective approach is to inquire directly. Regrettably, misinformation often circulates implying that certain brands source all of their ingredients from low-quality suppliers or China.

    However, without thoroughly investigating each company’s actual practices, it’s challenging to ascertain the validity of such claims.

    As part of my ongoing commitment to finding the truth about pet food, I found this incredible document from Nestle Purina8, which outlines their responsible sourcing standard in depth. This document is a great example of what you want to see from a pet food company.

    As mentioned in part two, a demand for transparency is important. This demand must hold small boutique and raw pet food companies to the same standard.

    Here are some things pet parents can do:

    • Ask the brand how many quality checks are performed each day, across all stages of production.
    • Verify that the brand is keeping batch samples and lab testing the food often for nutrient levels and contamination.
    • Look into the company recall history, and determine if the recalls were a sign of due diligence and a commitment to pet safety, or if they signal a bigger problem with quality control.
    • Verify that the brand has multiple highly qualified food safety, nutrition research, veterinarians, and board-certified nutritionists on staff who stand behind the food because they put their hard-earned education, sweat, and tears into it.

    Dr. Em is a practicing veterinarian who posts science-backed information about pet health, including nutrition. This video on choosing pet food should provide valuable insight, and balance the often controversial and misleading content promoted by “Pet Fooled”.

    Veterinary Prescription Diets

    In “Pet Fooled,” veterinary prescription diets are subjected to scrutiny, with the documentary casting doubt on their formulation, marketing, and suitability for pets’ health needs.

    However, it’s essential to recognize that veterinary prescription diets are meticulously formulated to address specific health conditions in pets, such as kidney disease, urinary tract issues, and food allergies.

    These diets undergo rigorous testing and adhere to strict nutritional standards to ensure their efficacy and safety under veterinary supervision.

    While “Pet Fooled” may question the ingredients used in these diets, it’s important to understand that ingredients such as hydrolyzed proteins, novel proteins, and therapeutic additives serve specific therapeutic purposes and are recommended by veterinary professionals based on scientific evidence.

    Therefore, while the documentary may raise concerns about veterinary therapeutic diets, these concerns are only based on emotional reactions to the perceived “issues” with certain ingredients.

    Pet owners must consult with their veterinarians to determine the most appropriate diet for their pets’ individual health needs.

    Dr. Em hits it out of the park once again, with this phenomenal video debunking many common myths about veterinary prescription foods.

    Holistic Pet Food Elitism & Final Thoughts

    Holistic pet food elitism, as portrayed in various discussions and documentaries like “Pet Fooled,” revolves around the belief that select “premium” and minimally processed pet foods labeled as “holistic” or “natural” surpass conventional commercial pet diets.

    The implication is that opting for anything other than raw, homemade diets, or certain premium kibbles may be seen as providing lesser care for your pet.

    Echoing this sentiment, Dr. Becker asserts that feeding anything else amounts to “nutritional abuse.”

    However, “holistic” and “higher quality” foods often come with a hefty price tag, placing them beyond the means of many devoted pet parents. Worse, many of these “better” or more “holistic natural” diets are unbalanced, may cause nutritional heart disease, can be subjected to recalls, and may contain pathogens and bacteria.

    Science, and history, prove this.

    “Higher quality” foods are not immune to any of the problems implicated by the film. They aren’t a magic solution, nor is there any proof that they are inherently and always better.

    My point is to say that shaming pet parents for choosing the food they can afford to feed their pets is never ok.

    Unfortunately, Pet Fooled staked a claim on that belief and used their platform to shame millions of pet parents into feeding their pets potentially unbalanced and often unaffordable diets.

    There are many affordable, high-quality options out there and at Hello Danes, we will never, ever shame somebody for choosing a science-backed, well-studied food like Dog Chow.

    While “Pet Fooled” raised valid concerns about pet food safety and manufacturing practices, it opted to sensationalize information, fostering an elitist mindset surrounding pet food selection.

    Instead of promoting an informed and balanced discussion, “Pet Fooled” contributed to the polarization of perspectives on pet nutrition, hindering productive and science-backed dialogue on this important topic.

    It is for that reason that Pet Fooled gets a resounding thumbs down from me.


    1. Copper in Pet Food and Liver Damage ↩︎
    2. Darwin’s Raw Food FDA Warning Letter ↩︎
    3. Peroxyacetic Acid, not generally recognized as safe, used to treat Darwin’s Raw Pet Food ↩︎
    4. Melamine Recall of 2007 FDA FAQ ↩︎
    5. Pet Food Recalled After Traces of Euthanasia Drug Found ↩︎
    6. Are there Euthanized Animals in Pet Food? ↩︎
    7. Is Purina Harming Pets? ↩︎
    8. Nestle Purina Responsible Sourcing Standard ↩︎
  • I Watched Pet Fooled So You Don’t Have To: Part Two

    I Watched Pet Fooled So You Don’t Have To: Part Two

    As someone who advocates for veterinary science and nutrition based on thorough research, I found myself drawn to the documentary “Pet Fooled,” which sets its sights on problems with the pet food industry and aims to promote the benefits of raw feeding.

    Given the recent resurgence of interest in the documentary, particularly due to the (now thoroughly debunked) “Purina Panic,”1 I decided to approach it with an open mind.

    What I found may be of interest to you, especially if feeding your pet a healthy diet is important to you.

    This is a multi-part series, if you haven’t read part ONE yet, go here!

    In part two below, I’m digging into the pet industry as it relates to marketing, FDA regulations, AAFCO, manufacturing practices, and by-products. As always, I’m citing my sources and striving to bring you ethical, honest, and truthful information.

    Note: This is a multi-part series! Additional articles in this series will be posted below.

    Part One: “Biologically appropriate” feeding, bacteria & pathogens in raw food, and the influence of “big kibble” on veterinary schools (See Part One HERE)

    Part Two: Pet food marketing, ingredients in pet food (including corn and by-products), manufacturing, AAFCO, and FDA regulations (See Part Two HERE)

    Part Three: Pet food recalls, veterinary diets, and holistic pet food elitism (See Part Three HERE)

    pet fooled documentary

    Pet Fooled Documentary and Pet Food Marketing

    20 minutes into the film I found something I agreed with the producers on. If Pet Fooled had exclusively covered this topic and left the raw vs. kibble debate out of the equation, they would have had my vote.

    Pet food marketing often utilizes visually appealing packaging and persuasive messaging to attract consumers and convey the idea that their product is the best choice for pets.

    The colorful imagery of fresh meats, vibrant vegetables, and wholesome ingredients creates an impression of healthfulness and quality.

    Additionally, marketing tactics such as claims of using “super-premium” or “all-natural” ingredients, endorsements by veterinarians or “pet nutritionists”, and labels indicating specific health benefits further reinforce the perception that these products are superior.

    However, behind the eye-catching packaging and persuasive slogans, the actual nutritional content and quality of these pet foods may vary significantly.

    This problem is not isolated to kibble brands. Fresh and raw pet food companies do it, too.

    Pet Fooled raised an important concern about how marketing tactics can often confuse consumers and manipulate our emotions.

    However as they had done before, they then did a swan dive into the deep end.

    A montage of labels, slogans, and ingredients was presented as a means to tap into viewers’ emotions with the implication that all of those things are bad.

    It doesn’t matter how much research we have out there showing us that some of those perceived ‘bad’ ingredients are beneficial, there is no middle ground on Pet Fooled.

    Recall Dr. Karen Becker’s assertion in part one, where she contends that anything aside from a raw meat diet constitutes “nutritional abuse.”

    Like all things in pet nutrition, this answer is not that black and white.

    Pet Food Ingredients

    “Pet Fooled” emphasizes the importance of reading ingredient lists on pet food labels as a means of evaluating the quality and nutritional value of the product.

    However, they oversimplify the issue by implying that the presence of certain ingredients automatically makes certain pet foods inferior or harmful.

    In reality, the nutritional adequacy and safety of pet food depend on various factors beyond just the ingredients list, such as the formulation, sourcing, processing methods, and overall nutrient balance.

    Without proper guidance from qualified professionals, solely relying on ingredient lists to choose pet food can be problematic and may result in suboptimal nutrition or even nutritional deficiencies for pets.

    Without expanding so much as to bloat this article up with too much information, here are some veterinary nutritionist articles regarding commonly vilified ingredients such as corn and by-products.

    Tufts “Stalk About Corn, It’s Nutritious!”2

    Tufts “Don’t Be Bothered By By-Products” 3

    Veterinary Nutritionists (who are infinitely more qualified to discuss pet nutrition than a holistic wildlife veterinarian), prioritize the final nutrient profile and bioavailability over specific ingredients.

    Ultimately, the effectiveness of pet food hinges on its ability to deliver results, a complexity that far surpasses the debate between corn and organic farm-raised lentils.

    Here is an informational video, from a veterinarian, regarding corn in pet food:


    Replying to @misiu Corn gets a lot of ire in pet food, often mislabeled as a “filler” or something with “no nutritional value.” We know that’s not true by the nutrient profile alone. Whole corn is typically not used in kibble, so saying “my pet defecates corn” is a silly argument. If you ate pistachios in the shell vs once shelled it’s a different beast all together. Corn gluten helps to acidify the urine, which is great in our cats with crystals. Corn oil has linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid – meaning dogs and cats cannot synthesize it themselves and it MUST be added to food. Corn oil is one way to do this. Sources: Dr Avi Deshmukh, nutrient profile for corn

    ♬ original sound – Emergency Veterinarian

    High Temperature Kibble Extrusion, Cancer & Pet Health

    “Pet Fooled” raises concerns about the high-temperature processing methods used in the manufacturing of pet food.

    The theory linking high-temperature kibble extrusion to cancer and negative impacts on pet health is largely unfounded. While some critics suggest that the heat processing methods used in kibble manufacturing could potentially create harmful compounds or degrade the nutritional value of ingredients, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.

    The extrusion process is carefully controlled and monitored by pet food manufacturers to ensure that it meets strict quality and safety standards.

    As pet owners become increasingly concerned about the processing methods used in traditional extruded kibbles, the popularity of ‘baked’ dog foods has surged as a perceived solution. However, it’s important to recognize that the baking process doesn’t necessarily eliminate concerns about high temperatures. Some ‘baked’ kibbles may be exposed to temperatures of 300-500 degrees Fahrenheit during production.

    Purina uses a low-temperature extrusion process. Most extruders operate at between 180-300 degrees Fahrenheit.

    When you bake muffins in your home oven, they are subjected to higher temperatures and for longer durations than kibble, which may only be in the extruder for 30-90 seconds.

    Additionally, numerous studies have found no direct causal link between consuming extruded kibble and an increased risk of cancer or other health issues in pets.

    This, naturally, circles us back to the questionable marketing claims propagated by pet food companies, influencers, and pet stores. They all vie to convince us that their product reigns supreme in terms of health, safety, and innovation.

    Yet, without substantiating evidence from rigorous peer-reviewed research and scientific inquiry, should we truly place our trust in those claims?

    Many veterinarians agree that a balanced diet, regardless of its form, is key to maintaining optimal health in pets. Perhaps a well-formulated kibble produced under tried and true quality control protocols and manufacturing processes isn’t so bad, after all.

    It’s essential to evaluate pet nutrition claims critically and rely on evidence-based research when making decisions about pet food choices.

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    FDA Regulations on Pet Food in Pet Fooled

    When it comes to the safety and quality of our pets’ food, understanding the regulations set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is important.

    Pet Fooled slams the FDA, citing a lack of oversight leading to widespread problems with pet food safety. I’ll dig into this more below, but the narrator implies that all big pet food manufacturing is dirty and corrupt.

    The FDA Pet Food information page is available HERE so you can make an informed and balanced assessment based on the statements made in Pet Fooled.

    Pet Food Ingredient Quality

    The documentary questions the quality of ingredients used in commercial pet foods and highlights instances where low-quality or controversial ingredients are included.

    I’m glad I sat down and watched the documentary as well because the visual aspect of the film is intentionally crafted to provoke concern and emotion about pet food.

    The documentary features footage of decaying carcasses, animals in ditches, roadkill, and maggots, all interwoven with a narrative that suggests these “4D Meat” elements are commonly found in our pets’ food.

    Pet Fooled wants viewers to believe that manufacturers are regularly grinding up rotting dead, diseased, dying, and disabled animals to include in their formulas.

    However, it’s illegal for pet food manufacturers in the United States to use “4D” meat in their products. 4

    Pentobarbital (Euthanasia Drug)5 and Melamine have been the subject of major pet food recalls, there is no disputing this. These incidents originated with the suppliers and went unnoticed by the manufacturers during production. The critical oversights behind these major recalls prompted industry-wide changes.

    However, there is no proof of major corruption or widespread ongoing problems. The FDA specifically prohibits contaminated meat from being used in pet food, and many pet food companies have thrown out bad batches of food and issued recalls in compliance with these regulations.

    Remember, pet food companies cannot make money if they are selling us dirty food that harms our pets.

    To provide additional context, while the FDA maintains a zero-tolerance policy for salmonella in pet food, the regulations differ for ‘human grade’ food, where a certain level of salmonella may be permitted. Pet food is more regulated than human food when it comes to this contamination. 6

    Last week I finished an article called “Are There Euthanized Animals in Pet Food” that may be of interest. While the concept of shelter pets and decayed horses being trucked to the pet food manufacturing plant is sensational, it’s a myth.

    Why does Pet Fooled persist in propagating that misconception? It all boils down to financial incentives. By steering consumers away from properly formulated and safe kibble brands, they stand to gain market share for their holistic online courses, supplements, and food brands.


    This is ALWAYS a hot topic when discussing pet food – recalls. Recalls are neither good nor bad, they just are. Obviously you don’t want your own food to be recalled, but brands should do quality control in order to ensure safety. No recalls does not mean a company is perfect – it can be due to a lack of an screening and underdiagnosing issues with said food. What I think is always very telling is when the FDA recommends a recall and the company refuses. This is a huge red flag as both a consumer and a veterinarian.#greenscreen

    ♬ original sound – Emergency Veterinarian

    Transparency in Pet Food Manufacturing

    There are concerns about the lack of transparency in labeling, making it difficult for pet owners to fully understand what they are feeding their pets.

    Pet Fooled is correct about this. I’ve spent hours of my life tracking down nutritional information such as calcium and copper levels or who formulates the food, things that pet owners should have easy access to.

    It’s shocking how many companies simply cannot, or will not provide that information.

    Many others will use slick language to gloss over their responses to WSAVA guidelines7 for manufacturing and formulation processes.

    Don’t even get me started on the use of ingredient splitting to make ingredient lists look more wholesome! 8

    Having investigated well over 400 companies at this point, I can definitively say that it’s the smaller companies who are the least transparent. To give just a few examples, Diamond, Victor, AllProvide, Darwin, and Inukshuck have all been very difficult to get real answers from.

    Meanwhile, Purina, Hill’s, Royal Canin, and some other big players have been open, honest, and quick to respond with verifiable answers.

    A call for transparency requires that ALL pet food manufacturers provide nutrient, sourcing, and manufacturing information on request, to anybody who asks, and without fluffing up their answer to hide the truth. That’s something I can get behind.

    Nutritional Adequacy in Pet Foods

    Pet Fooled also addresses the issue of nutritional adequacy in pet foods, emphasizing the importance of balanced diets for pets’ health and well-being.

    Many raw pet food brands, which are championed by the holistic veterinarians featured in the film, do not test for or publish their nutrient levels. I find this to be quite ironic.

    AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) is not a regulatory agency. Instead, it is an organization that establishes guidelines and standards for pet food and animal feed. While AAFCO develops nutritional profiles, labeling requirements, and ingredient definitions, it does not have regulatory authority to enforce these standards. Regulatory enforcement is typically the responsibility of state departments of agriculture, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and other governmental agencies.

    The documentary questions the adequacy of AAFCO’s standards in ensuring that pet foods meet the nutritional needs of pets. It suggests that while AAFCO sets minimum standards for pet food ingredients and labeling, these standards may not always reflect the best nutritional practices for pets.

    In some ways, I agree with this. My investigation into Copper Storage Disease (which can be triggered by excess copper in the diet, a common problem with boutique and raw foods)9 is a great example of a situation where the ‘bare minimum’ regulation isn’t enough.

    Additionally, “Pet Fooled” raises concerns about the reliance on feeding trials and laboratory testing to determine nutritional adequacy, suggesting that these methods may not always accurately represent real-life feeding conditions for pets.

    Could feeding trials be better? Possibly! Is that an excuse for pet food companies to not do them at all? Nope.

    greyhound dog watching elderly owner reading book

    Part three is next!

    Note: This is a multi-part series! Additional articles in this series will be posted below.

    Part One: “Biologically appropriate” feeding, bacteria & pathogens in raw food, and the influence of “big kibble” on veterinary schools (See Part One HERE)

    Part Two: Pet food marketing, ingredients in pet food (including corn and by-products), manufacturing, AAFCO, and FDA regulations (See Part Two HERE)

    Part Three: Pet food recalls, veterinary diets, and holistic pet food elitism (See Part Three HERE)


    1. Is Purina Food Harming Pets? ↩︎
    2. Tufts “Stalk About Corn, It’s Nutritious” ↩︎
    3. Tufts “Don’t Be Bothered By By-Products” ↩︎
    4. FDA Regulations on Pet Food ↩︎
    5. Are There Euthanized Animals and Pentobarbital in Pet Food? ↩︎
    6. Pet Food is More Regulated Than Human Food ↩︎
    7. What Are WSAVA Guidelines? ↩︎
    8. Ingredient Splitting in Pet Food ↩︎
    9. Copper Storage Disease & Copper Levels in Pet Food ↩︎
  • I Watched Pet Fooled So You Don’t Have To: Part One

    I Watched Pet Fooled So You Don’t Have To: Part One

    Pet Fooled is a documentary that gained popularity in 2016 and has resurfaced on social media, drawing renewed attention. Pet parents worldwide are streaming it on platforms like Netflix and YouTube, prompting many to modify their pets’ diets based on the documentary’s content. Having never seen it, I watched Pet Fooled so you don’t have to.

    Why did I do this? Numerous veterinarians and researchers have voiced their opinions on “Pet Fooled,” but the consensus is overwhelmingly negative. They argue that it is misleading and riddled with inaccuracies, leading pet owners down the wrong path when it comes to feeding their pets.

    On the other side of the spectrum, many pet owners, natural pet stores, influencers, and a handful of fringe holistic practitioners praise and endorse the documentary.

    I was curious to understand the reasons behind the hype surrounding Pet Fooled. If you choose to watch it with me, I highly recommend going into it with an open mind AND a healthy dose of skepticism.

    Here is what I learned from watching Pet Fooled.

    Note: This is a multi-part series! Additional articles in this series will be posted below.

    Part One: “Biologically appropriate” feeding, bacteria & pathogens in raw food, and the influence of “big kibble” on veterinary schools (See Part One HERE)

    Part Two: Pet food marketing, ingredients in pet food (including corn and by-products), manufacturing, AAFCO, and FDA regulations (See Part Two HERE)

    Part Three: Pet food recalls, veterinary diets, and holistic pet food elitism (See Part Three HERE)

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    What is the Pet Fooled Documentary?

    “Pet Fooled” is a documentary film released in 2016 that examines the commercial pet food industry and advocates for alternative feeding practices for pets.

    The film raises concerns about the ingredients and nutritional quality of mass-produced pet foods and suggests that they may be harmful to pets’ health.

    “Pet Fooled” includes discussions with holistic veterinarians and pet owners who provide their insights into the pet food industry and its impact on pet health. They advocate for alternative feeding methods for pets, and ask pet owners to “do more research”.

    What Veterinarians are Featured in Pet Fooled?

    1. Dr. Karen Becker:
      • Qualifications: Dr. Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree.
      • Her passion lies primarily in wildlife rehabilitation.
      • Background: She is known for her holistic approach to pet health and has authored several books on pet care and nutrition. In addition, she has courses, a community, and an online shop where pet parents can purchase content, supplements, and food.
      • She is well known for her association with quack Dr. Mercola and controversial journalist Rodney Habib
    2. Dr. Barbara Royal:
      • Qualifications: Dr. Royal is a veterinarian with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree.
      • Background: She specializes in holistic veterinary medicine and is the founder and owner of The Royal Treatment Veterinary Center in Chicago.
      • Dr. Barbara Royal has authored a book where she shares her holistic approach to pet care, offering insights and advice on nutrition, preventive medicine, and holistic healing for pets.
    3. Dr. Lisa Pierson:
      • Qualifications: Dr. Pierson is a veterinarian who earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree.
      • Background: She is a strong advocate for raw feeding and specializes in feline nutrition.
      • Dr. Pierson runs a popular website dedicated to feline nutrition education.

    It’s important to note that all the veterinarians showcased in “Pet Fooled” adhere to the “Holistic” and “Integrative” pet care philosophy, a perspective criticized for its tendency to reject mainstream scientific practices, avoid evidence-based approaches, and represent a minority opinion within the veterinary community.

    All three veterinarians who are interviewed in Pet Fooled also work as influencers, generating income through the sale of items such as food, supplements, online courses, memberships, and books. It’s crucial to recognize this aspect, as their viewpoints may be influenced by their financial interests.


    My Approach to Watching and Debunking Pet Fooled

    As a proponent of science and a staunch advocate for evidence-based veterinary practices, I anticipated watching Pet Fooled might be challenging. I decided that it was important for me to keep an open mind, as many people love this film.

    I leashed up my muscular, athletic little Purina-fed dog, put the documentary on my headphones (podcast style), and started on the trail for an hour-long walk with Dr. Karen Becker in my ear.

    This allowed me to digest the information without frantically scribbling notes. My feet pounded the pavement as I took in every bit of classical music and the words that were fed to me in the documentary.

    Don’t worry, I later sat down to properly watch it, too. The visual aspect of Pet Fooled is part of its message, and I wanted to be prepared for it.

    Pet Fooled presents controversial narratives and makes a lot of questionable claims to support their position that kibble is unsafe, unhealthy, and not nutritious.

    Pet owners who wish to be fully educated about nutrition should continue reading below because I’m going to break this down and cite my sources. Dig in…

    1 2

    Raw Dogging Raw Dog Food

    Author’s Note: This article is not meant to be a kibble vs. raw debate, but I did feel it important to address the claims made in Pet Fooled. As always, talk to your veterinarian and feed what works best for your pet and family.

    In the film, Dr. Karen Becker is seen using bare hands to handle raw pet food from the company “Northwest Naturals” as she prepares meals for several dogs and cats in her home. A similar scene is repeated a few minutes later, when Dr. Barbara Royal is introduced to us while giving her excited, happy dog his dinner.

    It’s long been proven that raw meat, including that used in raw dog food, can contain bacteria such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Listeria monocytogenes, which may cause illness in both dogs and humans.

    Dr. Barbara Royal pulls a package of Darwin’s Raw Pet food out of a bag and says to her dog “Do you know why you don’t look 12 years old? Because your parents feed you EXCELLENT food…”

    Once her dog is finished eating its Darwin raw food meal, Dr. Royal gets on the floor and lets her pet lick her face.

    She says “Do I worry about them eating raw food and then licking me? No. I do not. [laughs]. Because the fact is, there aren’t any pathogens in that raw food. Because they’re careful with it.”

    So there it is. The first blatantly misleading and false statement in Pet Fooled.

    The truth is that Darwin’s Natural Pet Products has had a sordid history of recalls due to contamination with pathogens such as Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes (this topic alone requires an entire blog post).

    They have been in trouble with the FDA for refusing to recall contaminated products, too. 1

    The food seen in the film being fed by Dr. Becker, Northwest Naturals, was recalled in 20182 because of Listeria monocytogenes.

    Recalls for bacterial contamination in pet foods are not uncommon. Controlling pathogens requires exceptional quality control, especially for raw brands.

    Dogs can sometimes handle these bacteria without showing symptoms, but they can still shed them in their feces, posing a risk of transmission to humans. 3

    The vast majority of veterinarians express concerns about raw diets due to the potential for contamination, which can have detrimental effects on both pets and their owners. The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) advises against feeding raw diets precisely because of these risks.4

    Dr. Becker claims that the dog’s acidic stomach is there to neutralize bacteria. However, numerous reports and studies show that dogs fed contaminated food will shed those bacteria in their saliva and stool. Those bacteria are not, in fact, “neutralized” but rather, are alive and well.

    One study found that human stomachs are more acidic than dog stomachs!


    MISINFO MONDAY : dogs and salmonella -dogs stomachs are acidic, but humans are more acidic. Humans can get salmonella, which tells us the pH of a stomach isn’t the whole picture -bacteria like salmonella have found ways to evade the acidic environment of the stomach, making gastric pH alone irrelevant -asymptomatic dogs can and do shed salmonella, meaning it’s not killed by the stomach -there is no evidence that raw fed dogs have any immunity to this. The case I saw was a raw fed dog and it did not survive. One health tells us we shouldn’t just focus on the pet, but the owner as well. Salmonella is infectious to humans and we should be stewarts of health!

    ♬ original sound – Emergency Veterinarian

    Not even 10 minutes into the film, I already have so many questions. The laissez-faire approach to bacterial contamination, especially coming from veterinarians (who should be very averse to disease and pathogens because they know what it can do to the body) surprised me.

    This doesn’t even touch on the subtle product placement. It could be interpreted as a clear endorsement for those companies, with both veterinarians and the producers likely receiving substantial compensation for featuring them in the film.

    I did try to watch this with an open mind, so I moved on from the misleading nature of those scenes and continued my journey with “Pet Fooled”.


    Biologically Appropriate Diets for Dogs

    In the next section of the Pet Fooled, the topic of “biologically-appropriate” or “species-appropriate” diets is brought up.

    Dr. Karen Becker is a wildlife rehabilitation veterinarian, known for her expertise in treating and caring for injured and orphaned wild animals.

    Wild animals have very different dietary needs from domesticated animals. By its very nature, domestication changes animal’s gut microbiome and how they digest and utilize foods that are available to them.

    Genome studies are showing that domestic dogs have adapted to a diet that includes starches. 5

    In Pet Fooled, Dr. Becker claims that dogs “come from wolves and should eat a raw meat diet“, as if all of our pets were wild animals living in our homes.

    I went digging for the science on this one. Exciting innovations in genome research have brought us a lot of new information about our pets’ ancestors, and researchers have found that domesticated pet dogs need a different diet than wolves. 6

    The idea of a raw all-meat feast loaded with by-products (liver, bone, kidney) inspired by our dog’s wild ancestors seems nice until you consider that pet dogs live their lives indoors and don’t have to hunt and fight for their food every day.

    Dr. Becker ultimately states that feeding pets a “non-biologically appropriate diet” (aka, kibble) as a type of “nutritional abuse.

    The implication that the majority of pet owners worldwide are “abusing their pets” by feeding them kibble is significant. It’s sensational, misleading, and disingenuous.

    She explains that wolves and dogs share 99% of the same DNA. To put this into perspective, humans and chimps share 99% of the same DNA too, but you don’t see many humans consuming raw mice, raw monkeys, roots, bark, soil, and insects.

    Furthermore, it’s worth noting that the majority of raw pet food diets do not include scavenged trash, rodents, beavers, squirrels, insects, or other dogs (wolves will eat their dead). This is important to acknowledge, especially considering the “biologically appropriate” principle often cited by advocates of raw feeding.

    Domestication changes the gut and eating habits. Thanks to science, humans have benefitted from cooking and a sophisticated supply chain that offers us a wider variety of foods than ever before.

    Raw vs. Kibble Nutritional Research

    Dr. Becker suggests that the absence of research proving raw food to be the superior diet is due to “a lack of funding.” This deficiency in research is cited as one of the reasons why veterinarians refrain from recommending raw diets, alongside concerns about bacterial contamination risks.

    She then goes on to mention that kibble companies have “not produced research proving that kibble is nutritious and healthful“, but they have.

    Purina, Hill’s, and Royal Canin have poured millions of dollars into dedicated research not just for nutrition, but veterinary science as well.

    Purina sells one of the only foods on the market (Dog Chow) backed by a lifetime feeding study, and this is just one of thousands of studies done on pets and their nutritional needs.

    Effects of diet restriction on life span and age-related changes in dogs – AVMA Publications.7

    One raw pet food company, Instinct, is aiming to address this by putting funds towards researching raw diets. This is a promising move in the right direction, away from speculation and anecdotes, but far from robust.

    10 1

    Do Major Kibble Companies Influence Veterinary Classes?

    Pet Fooled boldly states that big kibble manufacturers have a significant presence in veterinary schools, influencing the curriculum and shaping students’ perceptions of pet nutrition.

    The narrator goes on to mention that there is a lack of education on raw diets in veterinary schools, too. Of course there, is, there isn’t much (if any) legitimate research proving that raw is safe and nutritious.

    Because Pet Fooled only shared one side of this discussion, I’m going to share the other.

    While the extent of industry influence remains a subject of contention, transparency and critical evaluation of educational materials are essential to uphold the integrity of veterinary education.

    Understanding pet nutrition necessitates a foundation in science and research, and with rare exceptions, it is the major kibble manufacturers that are actively engaged in these endeavors.

    Numerous peer-reviewed publications by these companies have contributed a wealth of information, ranging from strategies for treating bladder stones to mitigating the risk of bone growth issues in puppies.

    Isn’t that what we want our up-and-coming veterinarians to be learning about?

    Advocates for raw feeding could occupy a similar platform and impart peer-reviewed research and knowledge to veterinary schools; however, they choose not to.

    Throwing stones at veterinary schools, practicing veterinarians, and major kibble companies without constructive contributions does little to support their argument.

    Here is a great video from a veterinarian about this topic:


    I was tagged in this video, and as always I’ll hide the face/account. This is a fairly typical string of half truths and full out misinformation. They claim vets get one day of nutrition education, that it’s taught by certain pet food companies, and that we’re all owned by a corporate entity. Nutrition is more than a class – it’s the fifth vital sign. To say that nutrition isn’t a part of EVERY class shows a misunderstanding of both nutrition AND vet school education. A simple search will show most curriculums have a semester of nutrition, and those that don’t supplement it through other classes and clinics. It’s always so interesting that these people claim vets are somehow bought and sold by these companies, yet don’t extend the same blame to their discount codes or owning an actual food store. They directly profit off their misinformation, but vets are seen as the bad guy. I’m sure you’re tired of hearing me debunk these myths but they just don’t go away. They find some new way to spin the tired old lie. Why? They have no science or studies to back up their point of view, so they have to attack veterinarians and discredit us.

    ♬ original sound – Emergency Veterinarian

    Controversial Claims Made in Pet Fooled

    This concludes part one of my series on the Pet Fooled Documentary!

    I’ve summarized the key claims from part one below:

    1. Raw feeding is inherently safer and healthier than feeding kibble: While raw feeding advocates argue that it mimics a more natural diet for pets, there is insufficient scientific evidence to conclusively support the superiority of raw diets over commercial pet foods. Additionally, raw diets can pose risks such as bacterial contamination and nutritional imbalances if not carefully formulated and prepared.
    2. Veterinary education is biased by pet food companies: While it’s important to recognize potential conflicts of interest, suggesting that pet food companies universally bias veterinary education oversimplifies the complex relationships between academia, industry, and professional organizations. Veterinary curricula typically include a broad range of nutritional education, including discussions on different types of pet diets.

    These claims are contentious because they oversimplify complex issues and lack robust scientific evidence to support them.

    It’s essential for pet owners to critically evaluate information presented in documentaries like “Pet Fooled” and consult with qualified veterinary professionals before making significant changes to their pets’ diets.

    Note: This is a multi-part series! Additional articles in this series will be posted below.

    Part One: “Biologically appropriate” feeding, bacteria & pathogens in raw food, and the influence of “big kibble” on veterinary schools (See Part One HERE)

    Part Two: Pet food marketing, ingredients in pet food (including corn and by-products), manufacturing, AAFCO, and FDA regulations (See Part Two HERE)

    Part Three: Pet food recalls, veterinary diets, and holistic pet food elitism (See Part Three HERE)


    1. FDA Advisory to Pet Parents about Darwin’s Raw Pet Food
      October, 2023 ↩︎
    2. FDA Recall Alert: Northwest Naturals Raw Food
      February, 2018 ↩︎
    3. Merck Veterinary Manual
      Salmonellosis in Animals
    4. AVMA Policy on Raw Diets
    5. Axelsson, E., Ratnakumar, A., Arendt, ML. et al. The genomic signature of dog domestication reveals adaptation to a starch-rich diet. Nature 495, 360–364 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature11837 ↩︎
    6. Diet Shaped Dog Domestication, Elizabeth Pennissi, 2013
      “Genomic analysis reveals that dogs and humans walked similar evolutionary paths” ↩︎
    7. Effects of diet restriction on life span and age-related changes in dogs ↩︎